Elk meat

Eating ELK; Why You Should Add Elk Meat to Your Diet and What are its Benefits?

What is elk meat? How does it taste like? Is it healthy? What is the difference between elk and normal meat? If you have these questions in mind then this article is for you.

I got you covered because I have eaten plenty. Let’s get to know more about elk meat but first things first do you know about elk? Not to worry keep reading this article to know more about elk meat and its benefits.

What is elk?

Elk, or wapiti, is one of the largest spices in the deer family. One of the largest terrestrial mammals in its native range, which includes North America, Central and East Asia, Elk forage in forests and forest edges, eating grasses, plants, leaves, and bark. Male elk have massive antlers that they shed every year.

Elk migrate to high mountain grazing grounds in early summer, where the cows (females) give birth. Each cow usually has a single calf that can stand by the age of 20 minutes. Elk is a true nutrient powerhouse.

Elk meat may not be as common in supermarkets as other types of meat, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat it. It is difficult to find, but it is available online and in many stores. This meat is high in quality proteins and low in fat. Elk meat also contains a high concentration of essential vitamins and minerals.

What do Elk look like?

Elk is a species of deer. An adult male (bull) weighs around 800 pounds, and larger animals can weigh up to 1,100 pounds. Elk can reach five feet in height at the shoulder and are far more physically imposing and powerful than deer.

Their antlers or horns are more visible in the summer, sharper, pointed, and softer to the touch than deer antlers or horns.

ELK Animal
ELK Animal

Where to Look for Elk or Where are they found?

Elk populations are abundant in Washington, Oregon, California, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. Elk can be found in other states, but in much smaller numbers.

Elk populations are significant in Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Chile, Argentina, Russia, China, Mongolia, and sporadically throughout Eastern Asia.

Is Elk Meat Nutritional and Healthy?

Elk meat is packed with nutrition, and is high in proteins and several microcircuits which include zinc, niacin, phosphorus; vitamin B12 and B6 and low in calories and low fat.

Elk Contains the following nutrients in a three-ounce serving:

  • Calories: 164
  • Carbs: 0
  • Protein: 22.6 grams 
  • Fat: 7.4 grams
  • Zinc: 37% Daily Value (DV)
  • Vitamin B12: 36% DV
  • Niacin: 23% DV
  • Phosphorus: 19% DV
  • Vitamin B6: 18% DV
  • Riboflavin: 16% DV
  • Iron: 16% DV
  • Selenium: 11% DV
  • Potassium: 9% DV
  • Panthothenic Acid: 9% DV
  • Thiamine: 7% DV
  • Copper: 6% DV
  • Magnesium: 5% DV

Note: Elk meat has small amounts of vitamin E, folate, and calcium.

Nutrition chart
Nutrition chart

Why You Should Add Rlk Meat to Your Diet and What are its Benefits?

Here are several reasons you should add elk meat to your diet:

Excellent source of protein:

Elk meat is a good source of protein as well as vitamins and minerals that our bodies require. Not only is low in fat, but it is also high in protein. This meat’s nutritious bite will help lower your risk of heart disease, boost your immune system, and benefit your body and overall health.

Environmentally Friendly:

Low elk densities increased plant productivity and diversity. Thus, properly managed elk populations can assist land managers in promoting biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Elk live in open woodlands and fields without shelter and eat only natural foods such as leaves, grass, herbs, and barks.

Elk are not raised in the same manner as cows. Elk meat is free of antibiotics, steroids, and hormones. Include unadulterated, natural means in your diet to support a sustainable food system.

Low in cholesterol and fat:

Elk meat contains less fat than beef and more omegas 3, CLA, and other essential nutrients. Animals that lead an active lifestyle and consume a clean and natural diet produce leaner meat than what you can buy at the grocery store or butcher. These elements could also help people lose weight, muscle mass and cardiovascular health.

Rich in Vitamins and Minerals:

We require numerous amounts of vitamins and minerals to function optimally and try to be healthy as we can be. Elk serving contains 100% of our daily recommended dose of vitamins as well as 15% of iron which is required. Elk meat also contains 20% of thiamine, zinc, phosphorus and B-6 as well as 45% of our daily riboflavin and 30% of our niacin which is required for our body.

Preparations and Cooking Method are Versatile:

Elk can be prepared in variety of ways and comes in a variety of cuts it depends on your preference whether you prefer a rack of ribs, flank streak, sausages, loin chops, jerky or ground meat. You can also substitute elk meat for beef or mutton in most of the recipes; just adjust the cooking temperature and time because its cooks faster and is leaner.

Have a Great Flavor:

Of course, none of this would matter if elk tasted like rubber. The good news is that this rustic red meat is both delicious and nutritious. None of the meat would be worth anything if the elk flavor was not excellent or great! Fortunately, its tastes just as good as it is healthier or more nutritious! Most people prefer elk meat rather than beef because of its sweet, clean, and pronounced flavor that is less gamely than venison.

Because of its tender texture, requires a little marinating if needed. Here is my mini recipe for elk meat that is a must try Grill some elk strip loins, ribs, or loin chops to a nice brown-char with a juicy dark pink center, and enjoy one of the finest game meats to grace your dining table.


Elk is a reasonably priced game meat that is comparable or similar to other meats such as bison, beef, and other lean game meats. Some people purchase it from a reputable source, such as a family-owned and operated supplier like Frontiers Natural Meats, or from butchers and grocers, while others prefer to hunt and process their own elk.

Helps to Weight Loss:

The best part is that eating elk meat helps you lose weight. Three ounces of ground elk has only 164 calories and 23 grammas of protein, making it an excellent addition to any weight loss diet.

Elk meat has a high protein content, which may help to reduce hunger and cravings. Just like me you can add elk to your diet and enjoy tasty, delicious and healthy meat while still maintaining body weight. Try elk for yourself today and see how it can benefit you and your family.

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